August 12, 2011

Water images from travels abroad

Inspiration for agencies doing water/sanitation work abroad:
Trash along the Mekong River, Cambodia
Trash and sewage; Nias Island, Indonesia
Water Collection; Nias Island, Indonesia
Trash and sewage; Northern Madagascar
High tide flushes away sewage: Thailand
High tide flushes away sewage: Thailand
High tide flushes away sewage: Thailand
Tire recycling and trash dump; Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Tire recycling and trash dump; Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Rinsing dinner; Mekong Delta, Vietnam

May 22, 2011

Trilinear plots in excel

Here is an excel spreadsheet that allows you to plot and manipulate various series of water quality data on a piper/trilinear plot. No more purchasing of expensive software to do this and it is completely customizable following your basic excel knowledge to change symbol format, legend, and groupings of samples. Have fun!

Trilinear Plot in Excel (download from google docs)

March 22, 2011

In honor of World Water Day: March 22nd, 2011

This blog will contain information on technical tools I've developed to help with my professional life as a hydrogeologist. Professional tools will include items such as excel files that plot trilinear diagrams, database formats, and schematics. It will also provide information and opinions about non-profit agencies that are involved with water and sanitation issues in the developing world. Enjoy!